The assurance process that has been adopted for the NHS Booking standard is based on the following principles:
Assurance principles
High-level design principles related to the assurance processes
- assurance should be lightweight but appropriate
- testing should be automated where possible to establish technical conformance
- a level of self-certified solution assurance will be made available to organisations deploying the APIs
- all artefacts related to assurance and testing should be made available as part of the ecosystem (public domain) prior to engaging in a formal NHS Digital assurance process
- a set of evidence based around self-assurance activities will speed up the assurance process
NHS Digital Onboarding and Assurance process
The assurance process is illustrated in the following interactive diagram. For detail on each stage please click on the relevent step:
Explore requirements and standards
Explore published documentation covering detailed technical and business requirements available on NHS Developer portal return
Design, build and self test
Using published documentation, gaining access to NHS Digital integration test environments design, build and self test solution return
Integration testing
Technical conformance with Solutions ASsurance (SA) team. Undertaking testing and validation activities against a services requirements. Providing evidence where applicable. return
Completion of SCAL
Completing the Supplier Conformance Assessment List (SCAL).
N.B. If the supplier is new to NHS Digital a completely new SCAL will be required. If the supplier has previously been onboarded by NHS Digital then only an uplift of the current SCAL (by completing service specific tab) is required.
Technical conformance certificate
On successful completion of technical conformance NHS Digital solutions assurance provider a Technical Conformance Certificate
Connection agreement
With completed SCAL and Technical Conformance Certificate in place NHS Digital live services arrange for a Connection Agreement to be signed and enable product creation/uplift on the EPR tool. return
Service provider/comissioner
The following process would be completed by the comissioning organisation that is responsible for the service that will be using the products assured by the supplier product assurance process
Elegibility and prerequisites
Establish the required pre-requisites are in place: e.g.
- Clinical Safety
- Data Securty return
NHS Digital Deployment Toolkit
Ensure adherance to NHS Digital service specific requirements return
Local Assurance
Undertake local risk assessments for implementation incluiding assessment of changes to or nwe business processes, technology and non-functional requirements.
Undertake user acceptance testing return
End user preparation
Training completed for end users and any local configuration/RBAC changes in place. return
Service provider and supplier
Technical Prep
Technical checks to live spine URL, checking live config of endpoints etc.. confirming all necessary certificates are in place. return
Business Prep
Business processes and resources ready return
Technical and Business go-lives return