Details of non-functional requirements (NFRs) that describe system attributes such as security, reliability, maintainability, scalability, and usability

Security: Authentication, authorisation and access control

Provider systems SHALL resist unauthorized, accidental or unintended usage and provide access only to legitimate users.

Security: Encryption

Provider systems SHALL encrypted all data in transit

Audit & provenance

Provider systems SHALL audit all API access and actions.

Scalability: Data Volumes

Provider systems MUST meet the agreed volumetric performance targets.

Performance: Response times

Provider systems SHALL provide real time live waiting times every 5 minutes to ensure it presents real time activity.


Provider systems SHALL automatically monitor the quality of the data feed and generate a notification whenever a change in the state of a component has occurred.


Provider systems SHALL meet the agreed availability targets (service time and/or hours and planned downtime) as defined in the operational level agreement (OLA).


Provider systems SHALL meet the agreed recoverability targets as documented in the Operational Level Agreement (OLA).

Clinical Risk Management

Provider and consumer systems SHALL comply with NHS Digital Clinical Risk Management Standards, in particular DCB0160.

Data retention

Provider systems SHALL retain data in line with existing relevant Informational Governance and data protection regulation.


Provider and consumer systems SHOULD follow the ISO 13407 / ISO 9241-210 to explain a user-centred design process.


Provider and consumer systems MUST maintain a compliance of minimum Double “A” of the WCAG 1.0 (or equivalent in WCAG 2.0) or, as stipulated by UK Government guidelines, for all user interfaces. Please see the Web Accessibility Initiative for more details.

Please refer to the UEC Technical Standards for details.