The following info-graphic displays the patient flow through NHS 111 into the wider UEC system. The data shows NHS 111 call volumetrics of those patients triaged by NHS 111 and given recommendation to attend/speak to onward UEC care setting. The data are taken from the NHS111 MDS (Minimum Data Set) published by NHS England (available here) and data supplied internally by the IDT team.
Note: “contact primary care” dispositions show % as a total of triaged patients with brackets, and % of those recommended to contact primary care without brackets.
The 111/CAS service currently sends referrals to GP, OOH, MIU, UTC and other services using CDA ITK messages. Development and Implementation has been done using proprietary solutions to enable booking between 111 and GP In Hours and Urgent Treatment Centre. These solutions are point to point and take a lot of resource to implement and scale.