A list of potential error codes you could receive from the SOAP API

Error Codes

If your SOAP request is invalid in some way, or there is an error with processing an appropriate request, you will receive an error in the following format:

<env:Envelope xmlns:env="http://www.w3.org/2003/05/soap-envelope">
                <env:Text>Incorrect Privileges: Please check that the user has the correct privileges to run this service</env:Text>

Error Codes for web service version v1.5

Note: Error codes are currently being updated and some will be re-numbered. This work is in progress and this table is therefore subject to change. Where known, changes have been indicated in the table

Code Description Notes Current Status
100 System Search failure    
101 Postcode Validation: Postcode not found    
102 Service Search: No services found This error will only return if catch-all has also failed. This most frequently occurs when the postcode is out of area – e.g. Wales or Scotland  
103 Request Response: Service not found ServiceDetailsbyID endpoint only  
104 Parameter Validation: No valid discriminators passed/SGSD combo not valid    
105 Parameter Validation: Search distance must be greater than 0km and less than maximum system distance. The maximum is a configuration parameter set in DoS – currently 99  
106 Parameter Validation: Invalid gender supplied - supported values: M, F, I    
107 WSDL Validation: Unsupported Webservice version    
108 Malformed XML: The soap message is not valid xml.    
108 Malformed XML: Unable to identify the SOAP version   To be re-numbered
109 WSDL Validation: (109) - Unable to find version    
108 Parameter Validation: Search date and time is invalid Where a search date/time is passed in, this must be in a valid format To be re-numbered
109 Parameter Validation: searchDateTime ([value]) more than 12 months in future   To be re-numbered
110 Parameter Validation: searchDateTime ([value]) more than 1 minute in the past    
113 Parameter Validation: where the distance override value is true, a distance value must be provided    
114 Parameter Validation: Invalid age supplied - mandatory field, only whole numbers allowed    
115 Parameter Validation: Invalid age value supplied. Supported values where Days format is used are numbers between 0-31    
116 Parameter Validation: Invalid age value supplied. Supported values where Months format is used are whole numbers between 1-23    
117 Parameter Validation: Invalid age value supplied. Supported values where Years format is used are whole numbers between 2-129    
118 Parameter Validation: Invalid age value supplied. Supported values where AgeGroup is used are: 1, 2, 3, 4    
119 Parameter Validation: Invalid age format supplied - supported values Years, Months, Days, AgeGroup    
120 Parameter Validation: Symptom Group could not be found    
121 Parameter Validation: Disposition not found    
300 Unable to login to DoS web services Generic error (usually a system level issue)  
302 Authentication failed: Please check user credentials (username/password) or check whether the user account is locked (use password reset to unlock)   To be re-numbered
302 Authentication Failed: Please check that the user has the correct privileges to run this service Usually because the user does not have the correct permission on their account  
1001 Request Validation: Unable to locate username and password in the request    
500 Internal Server Error    
504 Time out